Leave us your contact information or call us and we’ll discuss the sale of vaping products and nicotine liquids.
020 7933 010
We are your path to Finnish vapers
Selling modern nicotine products in retail stores
In Finland, the sale of vape products containing nicotine was allowed in 2016 in accordance with the renewed TPD followed by Finnish tobacco legislation. TPD 2016 also introduced a flavor ban which means that only the sale of tobacco flavored and unflavored nicotine liquids is allowed in FInland.
The change in tobacco legislation created new opportunities for us to become the leading vaping product and nicotine liquid distributor in Finland.
As the leading distributor we have had the privilege of witnessing the Finnish vaping market grow every year since the change in tobacco legislation. Finland’s vaping market is steadily growing with the global vaping market which is expected to surpass 50 billion euros by 2025.
If you are interested in introducing your vaping products, tobacco flavored/unflavored nicotine liquids, nicotine pouches and vaping accessories to the Finnish market, don’t hesitate to contact us!
Our test group is always eager to get their hands on the latest and greatest products.
Supervisory fee for nicotine liquids
We have gathered information about the supervisory fees in the Finnish municipalities and you can check the supervisory fee in your municipality by typing the municipality’s name.
Contact our customer service if you need the complete list of supervisory fees in Finland.
We are your partner in modern nicotine products
Our company’s long-term work for the good of our customers, our foreseeing attitude which has helped us avoid pitfalls, and experience with FMCG-products have created a position which guarantees our partners a safe and reliable distribution partner when it comes to vaping products.
Our products can be found in the product range of almost every Finnish chain within the retail trade, and on top of that, we are also the only vaping product supplier for most retail chains in Finland.
We supply modern nicotine products products to over 800 outlets
Our products are sold to Finnish consumers via over 800 outlets, and we supply nicotine liquids to over 95% of the Finnish holders of sales permit for nicotine liquids.
We are focused on supplying the retail trade, and because of that focus, our products and ordering and delivery chains have been developed with our partners in mind to best serve our partners in the retail trade.
Fast and punctual deliveries
In most cases we guarantee delivery within 24 hours. Our delivery guarantee is over 99% which is exceptional for the industry.
Merchant’s line
Our customer service serves you around the clock every day of the year. The merchant’s line will answer your staff’s every question they have regarding our products or their sale.
Simple ordering channels
Like with most of your products, the easiest way to order from us is via the chains’ ordering channels. You can also order directly from us via our electronic ordering channel, via e mail or telephone. Choose the ordering method that suits you the best.
Leave us your contact information or call us and we’ll discuss the sale of vaping products and nicotine liquids.
020 7933 010